Cafeteria Information

Main Cafeteria



Please wear normal missionary attire to the cafeteria


Monday - Saturday

Breakfast: 7:00 am - 8:30 am (including sack meals)

Lunch: 11:30 am - 1:15 pm (including sack meals)

Dinner: 4:30 pm - 6:15 pm, except Wednesdays: 4:00 pm - 6:15 pm

Sunday (on Fast Sunday, only dinner is served)

Breakfast: 7:00 am - 8:30 am

Lunch: 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

Dinner 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm


Sack Meal Room



(enter the sack meal room from outside S1 at the north west corner near the S2 MTC Store entrance)


Breakfast & lunch only.

Not open for dinner.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I am vegan, vegetarian, or have a food allergy?

If you have special dietary needs, you can ask the Main Cashier to page a Specialty Meals employee for assistance. If you have food allergies or medical needs, you will need to get approved to get food from the Specialty Meals room. We have information that explains what foods are suitable for various diets.

The menu highlights various diets—gluten, dairy, meat, nut, egg, vegan, etc.

For more information, just ask a Specialty Meals employee to direct you to Diane Morrow, MTC Dietitian. 

What if I can't fast on Fast Sundays?

Please do not take food from the cafeteria.  There is food available 24 hours a day in vending machines and at the MTC Creamery.

I have a medical condition that impacts my diet. Where can I get more information about it?

If you have specific dietary needs, ask the Main Cashier to page a Specialty Meals employee,  Diane Morrow, or one of her assistants.   

I just got my wisdom teeth out. How do I get food to eat?

We hope you recover quickly! Please just ask the Main Cashier to page a Specialty Meals employee for some assistance.

I am allergic to nuts. What food is safe for me?

If you have special dietary needs, you can ask the Main Cashier to page a Specialty Meals employee for assistance.

The menu highlights various diets—gluten, dairy, meat, nut, egg, vegan, etc. We have signs in all areas of dining room that identify allergens in foods served.

The specialty meals room is a nut-free zone.

For more information, just ask a Specialty Meals employee to direct you to Diane Morrow, MTC Dietitian. 

I am diabetic and need to get snacks between meals. What should I do?

The MTC can provide accessible refrigeration for select medical conditions. If you place a $10 cash deposit at the General Services Office, a refrigerator will be delivered to your room in your residence building. You will need to come to General Services to retrieve the $10 deposit a day before you depart. General Services will arrange to remove the refrigerator from your residence after your departure.

Please do not take food from the cafeteria.  There is food available 24 hours a day in vending machines and at the MTC Creamery that you can use to keep emergency food stocked in your fridge.

Does the Sack Meal room have gluten-free food available?

No gluten-free food is available in the Sack Meal room except for general items—fruit, milk, and some chips.  Missionaries who are gluten-free are approved to go to the Specialty Meals room where they can get food in a To-Go box.  

What can I wear in the Cafeteria?

Please always wear Sunday best into the Cafeteria.  You may wear preparation day clothes to the Sack Meal Room. 

Can I take food out of the Cafeteria? Can I get meals to-go?

There is a sack meal room where meals are available to-go located on the south end of S1 (near the entrance to the MTC Store).  You may visit the sack meal room, but please do not take food out of the cafeteria.  The Sack Meal room is open for breakfast and lunch, but not dinner.

How much food am I allowed to take?

Please only take one plate per serving. If you finish one plate, you are welcome to go back for more!

Where do I take my dishes when I am through eating?

Please bus your dishes in an organized manner as directed in the dish deposit line before leaving the cafeteria.

Who is the Main Cashier?

The Main Cashier is the person at the desk by the entrance where missionaries swipe their ID card.

Can I bring my bag to the cafeteria?

You may always bring your bag into the cafeteria! Please store it in the cubbyholes by the entrance.

What is there to eat today?

I need a fridge for my residency room. What do I do?

The MTC can provide accessible refrigeration for select medical conditions. If you place a $10 cash deposit at the General Services Office, a refrigerator will be delivered to your room in your residence building. You will need to come to General Services to retrieve the $10 deposit a day before you depart. General Services will arrange to remove the refrigerator from your residence after your departure.

What if I have a conflict with my designated meal time? (for example, medical appointment)

Please always try to attend your meal times during the time designated in your schedule or chosen by you and your companion. However, if something essential conflicts with your mealtime, you may attend at another time during cafeteria hours.

You may also go to the Creamery Express or find a vending machine to get food.