S2 - 103
(Enter on the East side of S2)
24 hours/day. 7 days/week. 365 days/year.
Security Phone. (385) 384-2911
Classroom Phone. Pick up the receiver and press the "Security" button to dial.
Red Push-Button Box. Push the button to speak with Security.
Please do not leave valuables (money, debit cards, ID, etc.) unattended anywhere, including in your classrooms. Make sure your room in your residence is locked and store valuables in your drawer with a padlock.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I do in an emergency?
Immediately contact MTC Security by:
Calling (385) 384-2911.
Using a class room phone.
Pick up the receiver and press the "Security" button to dial.
Using a red push-button box in a building.
Using an exterior emergency phone located at the walkway between S3 and T3 or the underground parking garage.
Asking an employee or ecclesiastical leader to contact MTC Security for you.
Finding a security officer by going to one of the three security office locations any time of day:
Main Security Office: S2-103, exterior entrance on the east side of S2.
Main Entrance Security Booth: Southeast of S1. (Where the cars enter and leave.)
South Security Desk: Main south entrance on the south side of T4.
You can also call 911 if necessary.
If you are taken to a hospital at any point call the front desk at (385) 384-2900. Call this number in the event of emergencies such as hospitalization. This is also the number that you should provide to your family should they have questions.
*Take time to identify these important locations before you need them.
What if my companion and I are locked out of our residence?
If you are modestly dressed, go to the Information Desk in S1 and ask for a temporary key for your room.
If you are not modestly dressed, use the red push-button box to call Security and ask for an officer of the same gender to come unlock the door. You can also find a modestly dressed missionary on your floor and ask them to go to the Information Desk to pick up a temporary key for you.
What if I lose my companion?
If you become separated from their companion, should check their schedules and confirm you are in the right place at the right time. If you cannot find your companion, go to the Front Desk in S1.
If you suspect that your companion has left campus, is having a medical situation, or that they are a danger to themselves or others, please contact MTC Security immediately.
May my family deliver packages to the MTC?
No, for safety and security reasons, any packages or letters must be sent through the Unites States Postal Service (USPS), United Parcel Service (UPS), or other commercial carriers. The MTC cannot accept packages or other items delivered any other way, except from commercial carriers and approved same-day delivery services available in cities close to the MTC. Please be aware that you are not permitted to receive perishable food items such as pizza, restaurant food, or frozen treats.
How should I act around general authorities or other special guests?
Avoid running toward or crowding general authorities or special guests. Do not offer handshakes unless she or he offers to shake their hand first. Please show the utmost respect for guest's space and time.
What should I carry with me at all times?
Please have your MTC ID Card and Missionary Name Tag with you at all times. MTC ID Cards are required to enter MTC campus and all MTC buildings.