How can I more fully keep the covenants I renew each week as I take the Sacrament?
Scriptures to Ponder:
The Mode and Covenant of Baptism (Mosiah 18:8-10, 3 Nephi 11:22-27, D&C 20:68-74)
King Benjamin places his people under the gospel covenant (Mosiah 5)
Taking upon us the name of Christ through Baptism (Moroni 6:1-9)
Baptism, Our First Covenant with God (Preach My Gospel, Chapter 3, Lesson 3, focuses on both Baptism and Sacrament)
The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Preach My Gospel, Chapter 3, Lesson 3 )
Video Segments to Watch:
Sacrament Meeting and the Sacrament, Dallin H. Oaks, October 2008 General Conference
Behold the Lamb of God, Jeffrey R. Holland, April 2019 General Conference
The Living Bread Which Came Down from Heaven, D. Todd Christofferson, October 2017 General Conference
The Power of Spiritual Momentum, Russell M. Nelson, April 2022 General Conference
Jesus Christ introduces the Sacrament, Book of Mormon Video segment, 3 Nephi 18
Study and ponder the covenants you have made in your life up until this point. These may include baptismal, priesthood, and temple covenants. Create a plan to regularly review these covenants and set a goal on how you can make your weekly sacrament experience a more meaningful renewal of these covenants.