

Laundry:  Basement of S1


Monday - Saturday

6:00 am - 9:00 pm

Frequently Asked Questions

I've lost my laundry. What should I do?

We are sorry to hear that!  Try looking in the bins in the laundromat, asking the building care person for assistance, or come to the Information Desk in the lobby of S1 for assistance.

Because so much of your laundry is so similar, you should think about marking all of your clothing with your initials or your name. Never leave your laundry unattended! Consider leaving a sticky note on the washer and dryer you are using so you know which one your clothes are in. 

Where can I get laundry detergent?

All washing machines and dryers are free with ID card swipe. The detergent machines accept both card and coin.

You can also buy laundry detergent from the Creamery Express (T2-111) or MTC Store (S2-105) using your MTC ID card.