Lost & Found
S1 - A99
S1 - A99
Monday - Saturday
Monday - Saturday
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Please come look for any items you think you have lost.
Please come look for any items you think you have lost.
It is always worth coming to check! Please do not wait until your last day to begin looking for your lost items. Be sure to write your name on all of your belongings.
It is always worth coming to check! Please do not wait until your last day to begin looking for your lost items. Be sure to write your name on all of your belongings.
Found wallets, personal identification, credit/debit cards, and phones are kept at the Information desk in the S1 lobby.
Found wallets, personal identification, credit/debit cards, and phones are kept at the Information desk in the S1 lobby.