MTC Store


MTC Store: S2 - 105

MTC Store Office: S2 - W206


MTC Store

Monday - Friday   10:00 am - 5:00 pm

Closed Saturdays, Sundays, most Holidays, and General Conference Saturdays

MTC Store Office

Monday – Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

You may also ask a cashier in the MTC Store for information

The MTC Store offers:

School Supplies

Laundry Supplies

Exercise Clothes

Missionary Attire

Snacks and Drinks

Senior Missionary Supplies 

Postage Stamps and Stationery 

Printing Photos from SD cards or Devices

10% missionary discount available on most items

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I am missing materials from my packet?

Sometimes we do not have enough copies of certain language materials to provide them to all new missionaries. If you did not receive all your materials when you entered the MTC, an email will be sent to you when the materials arrive letting you know you can pick them up in the store. Unfortunately, there are times when materials do not arrive before you leave. In that case, you will need to talk with your mission office when you arrive. 

Where can I order another or get a replacement name tag?

Unfortunately, not at the MTC. You should have been provided with three name tags in your mission language while at the MTC. You will also be provided two additional tags in the language of your country if different from their mission language. Additional name tags may be purchased in the mission field from your mission office if needed.

For other name tag issues, please visit the Scheduling Office, (S1-B114).

What if I lost a book from my packet?

You should write your name in all your books so that if one is lost, it is easier to identify the owner. If you lose a book, you should check the Lost & Found (S1-A99) before coming to the MTC Store. If it is not at Lost & Found, you can purchase a replacement from the MTC Store as long as the MTC Store has enough on hand. Please ask a cashier in the store for assistance.

Can I purchase materials that are not in my assigned training language?

The MTC Store cannot sell you any books of a different language than what you are called to learn.

Where do I pick up English materials and what is available?

If you are going to a device mission, you are being asked to use your device as much as possible. This will help the Church save money by not having to print and distribute as many materials. However, if you do better with hard copies of materials, we are authorized to give out one copy of each the following English items:

You may ask the cashiers at the store for your free copy. If you lose that copy, you may purchase a second copy at the store.