Latvian Basic Core
Latvian Basic Core
Vocabulary, phrases, and scriptures that will help you master fundamental teaching tasks in your assigned languages—meeting someone, offering a prayer, testifying, extending an invitation, sharing a scripture, and giving a simple overview.
Vocabulary, phrases, and scriptures that will help you master fundamental teaching tasks in your assigned languages—meeting someone, offering a prayer, testifying, extending an invitation, sharing a scripture, and giving a simple overview.
Latvian Vocabulary & Phrases
Latvian Vocabulary & Phrases
Learn vocabulary and phrases grouped by themes and categories.
Latvian For Missionaries
Latvian For Missionaries
Grammar explanations and practice activities targeted to missionary-specific contexts.
Colloquial Latvian: The Complete Course for Beginners
Colloquial Latvian: The Complete Course for Beginners
Master core missionary language by memorizing words and phrases, reviewing what you’ve learned, and tracking your progress.
Find flashcard decks or create your own. Practice flashcards with quiz activities.
Translate single words between 100+ languages.